Motorola launched the Moto G31 last week in India, and today the company introduced one more G series smartphone in the Asian country - the Moto G51 5G. The Motorola Moto G51 5G was announced earlier last month as the world's first Snapdragon 480 Plus-powered smartphone, and it's also the first smartphone in India to have the Snapdragon 480+ chip at the helm. The Moto G51 5G sports a 6.8" FullHD+ 120Hz LCD and runs a "near-stock" version of Android 11. It comes in a single 4GB RAM + 64GB storage configuration in India but has a microSD card slot for storage expansion. The camera...
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Motorola Moto G51 5G debuts in India with faster charging, sales begin December 16
Reviewed by Unknown
December 10, 2021