Apple's 15 Bionic launched in September with the iPhone 13 family as it usually does but we are yet to see Qualcomm's competing solution, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. Early benchmark results are now out and they suggest that the hype around the SoC's new Adreno GPU might be justified. Renowned tipster IceUniverse shared a couple of screenshots showing how Apple's A15 Bionic and the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 are trading blows in various GPU tests. There is no statistically meaningful difference in the GFXBench T Rex offscreen test but in the Manhattan offscreen ES 3.0 test, Qualcomm's contender got 267...
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Early benchmarks suggest the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 matches Apple's A15 Bionic's GPU
Reviewed by Unknown
December 08, 2021