vivo unveiled the latest iteration of its camera-focused, ZEISS-backed X-series of phones. As usual there are three models with the vivo X70 Pro+ sitting on top. And not just because of its Snapdragon 888+ chipset – there are also upgrades to the display, camera and battery over the Pro+ model that came out in January. The screen upgrade is quite big, literally. The X70 Pro+ switches over to a 6.78” Samsung E5 AMOLED panel (up from 6.56”) with 1,440 x 3,200 px resolution (up from 1080p+) and it maintains HDR support. This new display uses an LTPO panel, meaning it can gradually adjust...
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vivo X70 Pro+ goes live with SD888+ and custom V1 image processor chip
Reviewed by Unknown
September 09, 2021