Tecno launched the Spark 8 last week, and our source tells us the smartphone will debut in India next week. The Tecno Spark 8 is built around a 6.5" HD+ LCD with a notch for the 8MP selfie camera. The rear panel of the Spark 8, with the big "Stop At Nothing" text, sports a fingerprint reader and a dual-camera setup comprising a 16MP primary and a QVGA camera. Under the hood, the Spark 8 has Helio P22 SoC with 2GB RAM and 64GB storage. It also has a microSD card slot for storage expansion. The Spark 8 runs HiOS 7.6 out of the box, which is based on Android 11 Go Edition, and fueling the...
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Tecno Spark 8 is launching in India next week
Reviewed by Unknown
September 06, 2021