
Xiaomi denies any ties to the Chinese military in response to being blacklisted by the US

Yesterday the US government designated Xiaomi a "Communist Chinese military company", putting it on a blacklist that means US companies and investors are going to be prohibited from investing in Xiaomi (and those who already have are to divest by November of this year). This, mind you, is not the same 'blacklisting' that destroyed Huawei's smartphone market share worldwide, that's a much more complex ban on any US companies, or even companies using US technology, doing business with Huawei. Today Xiaomi has issued the following statement on the matter: The company has been in...

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Xiaomi denies any ties to the Chinese military in response to being blacklisted by the US Xiaomi denies any ties to the Chinese military in response to being blacklisted by the US Reviewed by Unknown on January 15, 2021 Rating: 5


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