We've heard all about the upcoming Realme X50 5G these past few weeks. It's coming on January 7, it will feature a Snapdragon 765G chip, two-day battery , which will get to 70% in just 30 minutes, it will have a 6.67-inch LCD with 120Hz refresh rate and a dual punch hole selfie camera. We also know that its rear cameras will be a 64MP Samsung GW1, an 8MP ultrawide, a 13MP 5x hybrid zoom and a 2MP super macro. But now we can add another name to its January 7 unveil - the RMX2052, or Realme X50 Youth. As of now very little is known about this Youth variant, but it's very likely the Realme...
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Realme X50 Youth certified, Realme X50 with 8GB of RAM hits Geekbench
Reviewed by Unknown
December 31, 2019